Scientific publications Print

Scientific publications resulting from research in the DESIRE project, relating to the Boteti study site.
List correct as of 11 April 2013



  • Perkins, J., Reed, M., Akanyang, L., Atlhopheng, J., Chanda, R., Magole, L., Mphnyane, W., Mulale, K., Sebego, R.J., Fleskens, L.Irvine, B. & Kirby, M. (2011) Making land management more sustainable: experience implementing a new methodological framework in Botswana. Land Degradation & Development. Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1142. 15p.

Fact Sheets & Posters

  • Chanda, R., Atlhopheng, J.R., Mulale, K.,  van der Werff ten Bosch, M. J., Witsenburg, K., Reed, M. & Geeson, N. (2011) Land users and public institutions switching to BIOGAS, Remediating and mitigating land degradation in the Boteti area of Botswana: Challenges and opportunities.. Available in both English and vernacular (Setswana).
  • Atlhopheng, J. and Chanda, R. (2011) Improving communication between researchers and the media. Fact Sheet 5.
  • Magole, L. and Atlhopheng, J. (2011) Final local Stakeholder Workshop, Boteti Site, Botswana. October, 2011 poster.
  • Chanda, R., Akanyang, L., Atlhopheng, J., Magole, L., Mphinyane, W., Mulale, K., & Perkins, J. (2011) Pre-empting energy-related deforestation in Boteti through biogas production & use. October 2011 poster.


In draft

  • R Chanda, MBK Darkoh, EM Segosebe, L. Magole, JR Atlhopheng, K. Mulale P. Ruthenberg and RJ Sebego (2011) Indigenous Technical Knowledge Asset Base, Livelihood Security and Sustainable Rangeland Management in a Flood-Pulsed and Climate Variable Basin – The Case of Mopipi and Mokoboxane Villages in Boteti, Botswana.
  • Mulale, K., Chanda, R. Sebego, R.J., Atlhopheng, J.R.  Mphinyane, W. Perkins, J.S.
  • Magole, L. (2011) An assessment of the performance of formal institutions in promoting sustainable land management in Boteti, Botswana.
  • Sebego, R. J., Atlhopheng, J.R., Mulale, K., Mphinyane, W. (2011) Land use dynamics and implications on land degradation in the Boteti area: Botswana.
  • W. Mphinyane, L. Akanyang, K. Mulale, F. van Deventer, L. Mangole, J. Perkins, R. Sebego J. Atlhopheng, R. Chanda (2011) Firewood availability and consumption rates around Mopipi Village in Central District of Botswana.
  • Julius Atlhopheng, Lapologang Magole, Gudrun Schwilch, Mark Reed, Kutlwano Mulale, Reuben Sebego, Raban Chanda, Nicky Geeson, Patrice Burger, Marie Jose van de Werff ten Bosch, S.Verzandvoort (in prep) Successes and challenges of replicating participatory approaches to SLM in different contexts around the world – lessons from the DESIRE project experience Environmental Management, DESIRE special issue
  • R. J. Sebego, J.R. Atlhopheng, K. Mulale, & W. Mphinyane (in prep) Land use dynamics and implications on land degradation in the Boteti area: Botswana Catena, DESIRE special issue
  • J. Atlhopheng and L. Magole, University of Botswana (in prep) Adapting to water shortage through rainwater harvesting – the case of semi-arid Boteti, Botswana. Land Degradation and Development, DESIRE special issue
  • Mulale K, R. Chanda, R. Sebego, J. Atlhopheng, W. Mphinyane, J. Perkins and L. Magole (in prep)  An Assessment of the Performance of Formal Institutions in Promoting Sustainable Land Management in Boteti, Botswana. Land Degradation and Development, DESIRE special issue