1. General
Desertification and civil society, a sort of a starting kit on desertification, containing 10 leaflets in three languages (CARI)
Information Packages for Civil Society Organisations, on desertification, on the Rio Conventions, etc, to explain more about the subject but also about the institutional and political context (BothENDS)
Drynet includes newsletters, policy papers and success stories among other features.
2. For technicians and farmers
AGRODOK series on small-scale agriculture, published by the Agromisa Foundation. The books are aimed at people who work directly with small-scale farmers.
3. For Policy Makers
NGP Pulse for advice on lobbying politicians
Theme papers of the GTZ (an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations)
Policy Brief of DCG (Drylands Coordination Group)
Dossier thématiques du CSFD (French Scientific Committee on Desertification)
Publication series from Both ENDS
INSPIRE geoportal: a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council aiming to assist policy-making in relation to policies and activities that may have a direct or indirect impact on the environment.
GEOSS: the Group on Earth Observations (or GEO) is coordinating international efforts to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
4. For Teachers and others involved in education
Desertification Kit: educational suitcase of the UNCCD
Educational suitcase of Eau vive
SOIL-NET (Cranfield University, UK) is a free environmental Internet resource for primary and secondary schools providing teachers and students extensive curriculum-based information about soil.