Nichola Geeson, October 2010
Now you have seen a selection of DESIRE posters, newsletters, etc. please consider what products you yourself could plan and make that would be useful for stakeholders. As you compile material from the study sites, what can you say about results so far? |
Templates for newsletters, posters, brochures and PowerPoint presentations can be downloaded from the DESIRE website (login first), some in a choice of Microsoft and InDesign formats. These templates can also be adapted to make leaflets, factsheets, policy briefs, etc. All the templates have a similar border and design features that will make DESIRE products instantly recognisable.
Level of complexity In DESIRE we are trying to provide information for all audiences by considering three levels of complexity: advanced with scientific detail; middle range in non-scientific language; simple, with less text and many pictures. If you are writing at one of these levels of complexity, this can be shown by a coloured box on the front of the product. As in skiing slope grades, blue can denote simple, red is for moderate and black indicates scientific levels of information.
All products funded wholly or partly by DESIRE should have:
- the DESIRE logo displayed prominently;
- the FP6 logo, this is important as it denotes our funding;
- date of issue.
All products funded wholly or mostly by DESIRE should also have:
- a DESIRE disclaimer box (see the version in the latest downloadable Newsletter and poster guidelines templates).
In addition:
- say who wrote/compiled/edited the product;
- give contact details of the author or the institution making the product (plus logo if applicable);
- preferably use standard fonts as chosen by DESIRE;
- add the name of the photographer to photos, and also the date when the photo was taken if known;
- reduce the size of photo files so that the document can be circulated by email more easily;
- obtain a DESIRE publication number if the product will be part of a DESIRE series (e.g. Newsletters, Factsheets, Info-briefs) so that all products can be catalogued more easily. PLEASE ASK ME FOR A NUMBER;
- ask a non-scientist friend or relative to comment on your draft product, to check that the language and layout are attractive, balanced, and easy to understand;
- consider whether you can translate existing products to your local language, for local dissemination.
Google translate may save you some effort, by providing an instant translation that can be adjusted as necessary;
- products available in more than one language may be labelled accordingly, (e.g. Newsletter 1_spa), using language abbreviations as used by the UNCCD;
- send a copy of all your products to Jane or Nicky for placement on the HIS.