Institute full name:
Centre d’actions et de réalisations internationales
Institute acronym:
Institute profile:
CARI is a non profit organization based in France, it has been founded in 1998 by some experienced people in the field of international cooperation in rural and agriculture developpment overseas, especialy in drylands of francophone Africa and Maghreb. The domain of competence and action of the CARI is agroecology in dryland areas. This methodology in approaching development aims at economy and autonomy, particularly in the rural and agricultural domain, and seeks to bring together the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable development. Due to its original position and experience in the field of organic agriculture and environment management in drylands and due to its knowledge about international negotiation process in these fields, CARI is participing in several networks and working groups like water management or climate change. On the other hand CARI is since years practicaly involved in project management in the fields.
Association CARI Rue du Courreau 34380 Viols le Fort France Fax: +33 4 67 55 74 37
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