Potential prevention & mitigation strategies
WP3.3 Strategies: Chile (diversion channels)_ES
Poster describing the strategy of using diversion channels.
WP3.3 Strategies: Chile (infiltration channels)_ES
Poster describing the strategy of using infiltration channels.
WP3.3 Stakeholder Workshop 2: Chile (report)
Results and conclusions from Stakeholder Workshop 2 "Selection and decision on technologies/approaches to be implemented", held in the Mediterranean dry land in south of Chile VII and VIII Region. November 12th 2009. Authors: Carlos Ruiz, Alejandra Engler
WP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Chile (results poster)
This poster shows the potential solutions and promising strategies
identified by the stakeholders and the workshop's main conclusions.
WP3.3 Strategies: Chile (zero tillage)_ES
Poster describing the strategy of using zero tillage.
WP3.3 Strategies: Chile (cereal stubble)_ES
Poster describing the strategy of using cereal stubble management.
WP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Chile (report)
Report of Stakeholder Workshop 1 held in Quilamapu, Chillán, Chile. 17, 18 December, 2007. Authors: Carlos Ovalle, Carlos Ruiz, Alejandra Engler.
WP3.3 Strategies: Chile (gully control)_ES
Poster describing the strategy of using gully control.
WP3.3 Strategies: Chile (guano)_ES
Poster describing the strategy of using application of guano
The DESIRE project was
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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