Potential prevention & mitigation strategies
WP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Mação (results poster)
This poster shows the potential solutions and promising strategies identified by the stakeholders and the workshop's main conclusions.
WP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Portugal (report)
Report of Stakeholder Workshop 1 held in Mação, Portugal, 14-15 March 2008. Authors: Celeste Coelho, Jorge Moreira, Manuela Carreiras, Sandra Valente.
WP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Portugal (report)_PT
[In Portuguese] Report of Stakeholder Workshop 1 held in Mação, Portugal, 14-15 March
2008. Authors: Celeste Coelho, Jorge Moreira, Manuela Carreiras, Sandra
WP3.3 Stakeholder Workshop 2: Portugal (report)
Results and conclusions from Stakeholder Workshop 2 "Selection and decision on technologies/approaches to be implemented", held in the Góis municipality, Portugal, from February 19-20, 2009. Authors: Celeste Coelho, João Soares, Jorge Moreira, Manuela Carreiras e Sandra Valente.
WP3.3 Stakeholder Workshop 2: Portugal (report)_PT
[Português] Results and conclusions from Stakeholder Workshop 2 "Selection and decision on technologies/approaches to be implemented", held in the Góis municipality, Portugal, from February 19-20, 2009. Authors: Celeste Coelho, João Soares, Jorge Moreira, Manuela Carreiras e Sandra Valente.
WP3.3 Strategies: Portugal (prescribed fire)_PT
Poster describing the strategy of using prescribed fire.
WP3.3 Strategies: Portugal (preventive forestry)_PT
Poster describing the strategy of using preventive forestry.
WP3.3 Strategies: Portugal (primary strip)_PT
Poster describing the strategy of using a primary strip network system for fuel management.
WP3.3 Strategies: Portugal (sub-cover)_PT
Poster describing the strategy of using actions in the sub-cover.
WP3.3 Strategies: Portugal (watch-towers)_PT
Poster describing the strategy of using forest fire watch towers.
WP3.3 Strategies: Portugal (water points)_PT
Poster describing the strategy of using water points.

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