Global level
The DESIRE project is part of the European Union's on-going commitment to provide science and technology support to the UNCCD. To this end we have written a number of briefing and other documents as contributions to the debates at the Conferences of Parties and Committees for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention.
Achieving UNCCD's 10 Year Plan
DESIRE and zero growth
Briefing document prepared as a contribution to the UNCCP COP10 (Changwon, October 2011) side event "Knowledge brokering models for UNCCD: approaches towards bridging policy science and practice".
Engaging with people affected by desertification
Food security in drylands
Although most people can agree on the importance of food security, there are many, often widely divergent, ideas on the kind of political and technological interventions that are needed to achieve global food security. Research findings from different agroecological zones warn us about the danger of making generalisations about the sorts of challenges (or “scenarios”) we are likely to face in future; rather, the latest research emphasises the need to adapt interventions to local ecological, social and political circumstances.
Author: Karen Witsenburg, Both ENDS Amsterdam, 2012
Is the UNCCD stuck in a knowledge traffic jam?
Putting knowledge into action

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The DESIRE project was
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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