Contact the University of Leeds team |
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University of Leeds
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The University of Leeds has expertise in integrated modeling, coupling agent-based, regional economic, hydrological, nutrient flow, erosion and biodiversity models at a landscape scale. Environmental Science in Leeds is a recognised centre of research excellence, as the second largest recipient of the Government’s Natural Environment Research Council blue skies funding. The University’s Sustainability Research Institute is a centre of excellence for participatory research, conducting interdisciplinary environmental analysis for sustainable land management, and the River Basin Processes and Management research group in the School of GeographyLeedsEurope and Africa through a series of EU-funded projects (e.g. MEDALUS, DESERTLINKS, PESERA) and other bodies (e.g. UNDP/GEF, Royal Society, UK Government Research Councils). The team conducts strategic and applied research that connects environmental knowledge to public and private sector decision making at local, regional, national and international levels. regularly publishes in top journals including Nature and Science.
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 113 3436716
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Involved personnel
Contact details
Key qualifications
Dr Mark Reed
Tel: +44 113 3433316
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Interdisciplinary research on participatory conservation, focusing on land degradation, sustainability indicators and participatory processes.
Prof Mike Kirkby
Tel: +44 113 3433310
Fax: +44 113 34 33308
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Physical geographer specialising in modeling landscape processes including: hillslope sediment transport processesm, hillslope and network hydrology; and landscape and regional scale models.
Dr Brian Irvine
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Dr Luuk Fleskens
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Luuk’s research focuses on developing integrated models and methodologies capable of assessing the impact of environmental change as well as evaluating the effects of adaptation and mitigation strategies on rural livelihoods and ecosystem services.
Dr Doan Nainggolan |
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Doan has a background in natural resource management and ecological economics. His research interest revolves around developing quantitative modelling approaches to integrate human (socio-economic) processes and data and biophysical spatial processes and data which can be used to better understand trajectories or pathways of socio-environmental (or socio-ecological) changes under different plausible future scenarios.
Dr Lindsay Stringer |
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Lindsay is a physical geographer whose research is interdisciplinary and uses theories and methods from both the natural and social sciences to understand the political ecologies of environmental change. |