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The Site Implementation Plan (SIP)

In order to have a structure the many experiments on the sites and facilitate comparison between the sites, a Site Implementation Plan was made. Also the plan should be comprehensible on its own, without many references to other project documents, so that it can be understood by 'outsiders' and a concise overview of activities is presented. The individual SIPS can be found in chapter 3 of this report, listed in order of the DESIRE site number.

Each SIP has the following sections:

  1. General: Location of the monitoring plots
  2. Summary: Brief summary of the problems at this particular location and the SLM technologies chosen, based on the site descriptions and summary of the WB3 outcome
  3. Location description: coordinates; Google Earth picture if applicable; brief overview of environmental setting (soil types, relief, climate); photo's of the plot/field location
  4. Stakeholder info if applicable: name, level of technology applied on this location
  5. Land use: crops, rotation, tillage practices, grazing practice etc.
  6. Conservation measures and experimental setup: short description of SLM technologies, experimental setup, plot layout, situation map/sketch
  7. Monitoring activities:
    1. Climate/rainfall monitoring details
    2. One time measurements (usually environmental, topography etc)
    3. Repeated visual monitoring supported by digital photography (soil cover, structure, tillage activities, erosion traces etc)
    4. Repeated measurements (instrumental monitoring and logging)
    5. Stakeholder activities (tillage activities)
  8. Yield assessment or assessment of other returns (quantity, quality), general stakeholder appraisal