Land use
General: Current productive systems in the area are a rotation of cereal crop and pasture and additionally vineyard. The last two decades, it has been seen and improvement in this productive system as a result a more and better availability of technology. However, the presence of erosion is still a major concern in the area.
Crops (and rotation) at the monitoring sites:
- Site 1: Crop rotation for oat and wheat (20% slope)
- Site 2: Conservation techniques with woody species of multiple purpose (30% slope) were established: Chamaecytisus proliferus, Quillaja saponaria and Quercus suber.
Crop calendar & tillage practices: Tillage with animal traction and No Tillage are realized in June after first rain. Chemical control for weeding is made. Harvest occurs in December.
Chemicals (fertilizer, pesticides) applied: NPK fertilization with the tillage.
Irrigation: None
Natural vegetation, main types and species composition:Acacia caven (Mol.)