Land use
Crops (and rotation): single Barley or Wheat crop in Bi-annual rotation crop/fallow; fallow remaining one or two years, in relation with the amount of rain in autumn. The fallow fields are used for grazing. Nowadays, Fallows are practiced less and tend to disappear completely, causing a decline in soil fertility.
Crop calendar & tillage practices: tillage with mechanic traction in October or November, sowing after first rain. Weeding by hand. No pesticide application, Harvest manually, normally at end of June.
Chemicals (fertilizer, pesticides) applied: manure when cattle graze on fallow fields and after harvest; + Chemical fertilizers
Irrigation: none
Natural vegetation, main types and species composition:Chamaerops humilis on some remnants of the matorral. Some trees of Cactus opuntia on the hill summit Plantation of eucalyptus in a plot close to the house
Stocking density of animals: The farmer owns cattle, sheep and goats.
Land use changes, 2008-2010