There are 55 settlements in the study area of Pallasovsky District. The total population of Pallasovka town which a administrative district of this district is about 47 400 people. From this population about 35% are leaving in urban area - Pallasovka town and about 65% are living in rural areas. Overall sex ratio is 47.3% male and 52,7 female. In urban areas sex ratio is 47.3%- male and 51.6% - female. In rural areas there is a slight domination of female population: 45.3% male and 54.7% female.
There are numerous nationalities living in this area, mainly Russian (44.5%), Kazakh (41.4%), Chechen (0.03%), German (0.03%), Tatar (0.02%), Ukrainian (0.02%), Azerbaijani (0.01%). The large number of Kazakh people is explained by vicinity of the district to the Kazakhstan Steppe which was for a long time homeland for nomadic Kazakh tribes. The main language of the territory is Russian, but the Kazakh language is also in use by people who have immigrated from Kazakhstan. In Russia to study in the primary and middle school are obligatory.