Home Booklets & factsheets

Booklets & fact sheets

A series of booklets (info-briefs) and shorter fact sheets demonstrating how DESIRE research is helping to mitigate different aspects of the problems of desertification and land degradation. Written in non-scientific language, the booklets are of interest to a wide range of stakeholder audiences, from policy makers to school children.

# Article Title
1 Desire for Greener Land
2 Factsheet 1: Science and livelihoods
3 Factsheet 2: Researchers and policy makers
4 Factsheet 3: Land users' views are essential
5 Factsheet 4: Encouraging sustainable management
6 Factsheet 5: Improving communication
7 Factsheet 6: Forests in drylands
8 Info-brief 1: Tackling salinization of soils in arid and semi-arid regions
9 Info-brief 2: Sustainable land management enhances our soils
10 Info-brief 3: Scientists and stakeholders learn to listen to one another
11 Info-brief 4: Progress with monitoring
12 Info-brief 5: DESIRE PhD students #1
13 Info-brief 6: DESIRE PhD students #2
14 Info-brief 7: Focus on Chile and Mexico
15 Info-brief 8: Using land for the benefit of all
16 Info-brief 9: Harnessing communication media
17 Info-brief 10: Water solutions in drylands
18 Info-brief 11: Greeneer solutions from the DESIRE project
19 Info-brief 12: Stakeholder participation
20 Info-brief 13: Lessons learned on science-NGO collaboration
21 Manual of communication and dissemination


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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
This website does not necessarily
represent the opinion of the
European Commission. The European
Commission is not responsible for
any use that might be made of the
information contained herein.

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