1 Introduction to DESIRE Work block 1.1 Methodology 1.2 WOCAT and desertification processes 1.3 Indicators 1.4 Local indigenous indicators 2 General plot descriptions 2.1 Participatory impact monitoring 2.2 Description of the plot setting 2.3 General monitoring 2.4 A note on sample size 3 Monitoring of socio-economic indicators 3.1 Focus-group discussions on feasibility and acceptability (source: CDE) 3.2 Production in cropland (source: LADA local assessment manual) 3.3 Household level livelihoods analysis (source: LADA local assessment manual) 3.4 Farm management 3.5 Cost-benefit analysis 4 Meteorological measurements 4.1 Temporal resolution of meteo variables 4.2 Rainfall 4.3 Evapotranspiration 5 Soils and soil properties 5.1 Static quality indicators 5.2 Pedotransfer functions 5.3 Soil moisture monitoring 5.4 Infiltration 5.5 Soil Strength parameters |
6 Soil surface dynamics 6.1 General visual monitoring 6.2 Crusting dynamics 6.3 Roughness 6.4 Flow resistance 6.5 A combined soil surface index 7 Water erosion 7.1 Splash detachment 7.2 Flow detachment 7.3 Deposition 8 Runoff 8.1 Monitoring runoff 9 Vegetation properties 9.1 Processes 9.2 Sampling strategy 9.3 Canopy characteristics 9.4 Species composition and functional types 9.5 Biomass 9.6 Root depth and density 9.7 Litter, mulch and soil organic matter 10 Wind erosion 10.1 Monitoring wind erosion 10.2 Assessment of wind erosion 11 Salinity 11.1 Saline and sodic soils 11.2 Salinisation monitoring 12 Remote Sensing vegetation indices 12.1 Sensors and satellites 12.2 Vegetation, soil surface and drought indices |