JEFFARA La désertification dans la Jeffara tunisienne : Pratiques et usages des ressources, techniques de lutte et devenirs des populations rurales (Desertification in the Jeffara region, Tunisia : Practice and resource use, combat techniques and development of the rural population)
Time span: 2001 - 2004
Aim: The objectives of the project are: (1) to study, in a desertification context, the problem of access and management of natural resources in a complex basin of segmented agricultural use where water is a preferential vector for the evolution of agriculture, economics and environment; and (2) to propose, after evaluation of the efficiency of the management techniques, not only of their technical performance, but also of their capacity to adapt to the evolution of the users' practices, solutions for the decision to apply management tools and other actions to combat desertification, based on the integration of different strategies and their capacity to regulate.
Description: The Jeffara region, located in south-east Tunisia on the northern fringe of the Sahara, presents climatic characteristics of arid regions (150 - 200 mm rainfall, skeletal soils and important movements of particles). Also, pressure is put on these soils for cultivation (mainly olives) as well as pressure on resources from various sectors, on water particularly (food production, drink water, tourism, irrigation, industry), that can endanger the environment of these resources. From the start, the partners intended to look at desertification not only from the biophysical angle but also in terms of interactions between environment and society and the dynamics of human actions such as adaptation and response of society on ecological and socio-economic changes.
Countries: Field site in Tunisia; partners in Tunisia and France
Website: (in French only)



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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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