MEDCOASTLAND Mediterranean coordination and dissemination of land conservation management to combat land degradation for the sustainable use of natural resources in the Mediterranean coastal zones.
Time span: 2002 - 2006
Aim: The overall objective of MEDCOASTLAND is to contribute to sustainable development, planning and management of natural resources in Mediterranean coastal areas, with particular regard to land and soil degradation and conservation management.
Description: MEDCOASTLAND is a thematic network with the following specific objectives:
- Implementing an effective co-ordination and dissemination of research, studies and projects dealing with land degradation and soil conservation in Mediterranean countries.
- Providing research reviews, dissemination of research results, communication among key players, public access to relevant information, and indications and guidelines to implement good management practices.
- Identifying major gaps in information and knowledge-base to reach a proper regional understanding of sustainable land management.
- Formulating an eco-system based assistance methodology to land users.
- Developing an income-product generating approach in soil conservation management.
- Suggesting more adequate planning policies in coastal areas.
Countries: There are 54 registered users so far.
Website: (link expired)




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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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