MEDRAP Concerted action to support the northern Mediterranean regional action programme to combat desertification
Time span: January 2001 - March 2004
Aim: The main objective of this Concerted Action is to support the elaboration of the Regional Action Programme (RAP) to combat desertification in the Northern Mediterranean Countries

The project will try to establish a better link between the scientific community and the actors in the relevant areas (Authorities, Decisions makers, NGO's, civil society, represented at different territorial levels) in order to initiate, harmonize and facilitate action and strategies against land degradation/desertification. By means of a wide participatory approach, specific objectives will be to identify (1) the state of the art on desertification topics, to better evaluate the impacts of human activities and planning policies on threatened regions; (2) spatial and temporal priorities and strategies, to implement prevention/mitigation actions and to improve sustainable land management; and (3) scientific, institutional and political gaps and opportunities, to propose suitable solutions. To achieve these objectives, a wide telematic network for information and knowledge exchange will be set up between scientific community and stakeholders involved in land management at all levels.

Countries: Partners in Spain, Turkey, France, Portugal and Greece.
Website: (link expired)




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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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