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Annex: Soil characteristics of the Rendina Basin

Soils classification WRB 98:

Soil province landforms geology land use soils Classification WRB'98

alluvial plain

areas of recent evolution

sandy clayey sediments and silty sediments

arable lands, rotational crops, orchards

[1]deep soils, root development limited by petrocalcic horizon, alkaline pH, gravel scarce to absent, fine loamy to coarse loamy texture, poorly drained, moderately to low permeability

[2]very deep soils, fine loamy texture, gravel scarce to absent , non calcareous to slightly calcareous, calcareous in depth, alkaline pH, well drained, moderately low permeability

[1]Petric Calcisols


[2]Eutri-Fluvic Cambisols

14.3 complex mountainslopes slightly to moderately steep alluvial and colluvial sediments, with clayey and sandy granulometry arable lands, rotational crops, orchards [1]very deep soils with vertic properties, calcic horizon over 1 meter thick, gravel scarce to absent, fine loamy to fine texture, non calcareous at the top, very calcareous in depth, slightly alkaline, high TSB, low permeability, well to moderately well drained [1]Eutri-Vertic Cambisols
14.4 ancient terraced alluvial cone, slightly steep sandy-clayey deposits arable lands [1]very deep soils with calcic horizon, gravel scarce to absent, fine loamy to fine texture, weakly calcareous, slightly alkaline at the top, very calcareous and alkaline in depth, high TSB, well drained, moderately low permeability [1]Calcic Luvisols


mountainslopes moderately to slightly steep Monte Marano sands, Irsinia conglomerate (Pleistocene) arable lands, vineyards, natural vegetation

[1]deep soils with mollic epipedon and argillic horizon overhanging calcic horizon, coarse loamy texture at top, fine texture at the argillic horizon and coarse loamy to sandy texture in depth, gravel scarce to absent, weakly calcareous at the top, very calcareous in depth, alkaline at the top, very alkaline with increasing depth, high TSB, medium permeability, poorly drained

[2]deep soils, coarse loamy texture at top and sandy in depth, gravel scarce to absent, very calcareous, moderately calcareous at the top, alkaline at the top and very alkaline in depth, high TSB, high permeability, well drained

[1]Luvic Kastanozems


[2]Eutric Cambisols

11.1 ancient Pleistocene surfaces, with flat summit surfaces slightly steep conglomerated Pleistocene deposits Monte Marano Sands, Irsinia conglomerate (Pleistocene) rotational arable land, olive-groves, irrigation crops, vineyards, uncommon natural vegetation

[1]very deep soils with moderate vertic properties, gravel scarce to absent, calcic horizon in depth, superficial dark horizons, fine texture, non calcareous at the top, very calcareous with increasing depth, neutral pH at the top and alkaline in depth, high TSB, moderately low permeability, poorly drained

[2]eroded phase: deep soils, gravel abundant, vertic properties absent, fine texture in depth

[3]deep soils with vertic properties, with accumulation of secondary carbonates within a meter of depth, very fine texture, but the clay content tends to decrease in depth, non calcareous at the top and very calcareous with increasing depth, gravel scarce to absent,, alkaline pH, strongly alkaline pH in depth, high TSB, low permeability, poorly drained

[1]Luvi-Vertic Kastanozems


[2]Luvic Kastanozems


[3]Calcic Vertisols

14.7 alluvial floodplain of Ofanto river and Venosa torrent, almost flat sandy and stony sediments arable land, uncultivated land, uncommon riparian vegetation near the river

[1]very deep soils, very calcareous, coarse loamy or sandy texture at the top, sandy from about 70 cm of depth, gravel scarce to absent, strongly alkaline pH, sometimes very strongly alkaline pH in the substratum, well drained, high permeability, low flood risk

[2]very deep soils with mollic epipedon, moderate content of organic matter, coarse loamy to fine loamy, gravel scarce to absent, weakly calcareous, very calcareous in depth, alkaline pH, well drained, low moderate permeability, sometimes with flood risk

[3]soils with minimal development and frequent flood risk, coarse loamy texture in the ploughed horizon, sandy texture with increasing depth, very calcareous, without gravel to over 1,5 m, sometimes followed by an horizon rich in gravel, alkaline pH, excessively drained, high permeability

[1]Eutri-Fluvic Cambisols


[2]Calcaric Phaeozems


[3]Calcari-Arenic Regosols


fluvio-lacustrine terrace with high incision of the Venosa torrent, numerous flat surfaces (fluvio-lacustrine flat)

fluvio lacustrine deposits, largely pyroclastic materials arable land, permanent meadow, shrubby natural vegetation [1]very deep soils with mollic epipedon, argillic horizon with moderate vertic properties, gravel scarce to absent, fine texture at the top and fine loamy texture increasing with depth, non calcareous, neutral pH at the top and slightly alkaline in depth, high TSB, very low permeability, well drained to moderately well drained

[2]soil with vertic properties, with calcic horizon up to 1meter of depth, moderately deep limited by gravel rich horizon and accumulation of carbonate concretions, fine loamy texture with gravel scarce, non calcareous at the top, alkaline pH, high TSB, well drained, moderately high permeability

[1]Luvi-Vertic Phaeozems


[2]Calcic Vertisols

9.2 long to moderately long mountainside of Vulture Mountain, sometimes slightly to moderately steep, prevailing exposition East to North-East pyroclastic colluvial deposits woodlands dominated by chestnut tree, pasture (strongly steep surfaces), meadows, arable land, olive-groves, vineyard

[1]very deep soils, fine loamy texture or coarse loamy texture in depth, gravel scarce to common, organic matter about 3 %, medium CEC and TSB at the top, medium to high CEC and TSB in depth, neutral pH, moderately high permeability, well drained

[2]moderately deep soils, limited by consolidated rock horizon (pyroclastic material), coarse loamy texture, gravel scarce to common, neutral pH, low content in organic matter (about 1%), medium to high CEC, high TSB, high permeability, excessively drained

[3]very deep soil, fine loamy to coarse loamy, gravel scarce to absent, low bulk density (frequently less than 0,9 g/cm3), slightly acid pH at the top, neutral in depth, high content in organic matter (8-10 % in top horizons, 3-4 % in depth horizons), very high CEC, very low TSB, high permeability, well drained

[1] Luvic Phaeozems


[2]Eutric Cambisols


[3]Dystri-Andic Cambisols

9.3 flat surfaces with largely volcanic origin at footslope of Vulture Mountain, flat to slightly steep surfaces pyroclastic colluvial deposits, as well fluvio-lacustrine deposists arable land, permanent meadow, oliveyards, vineyards, shrubby natural vegetation (incisions of the drainage network)

[1]very deep soil, fine loamy texture to coarse loamy texture, gravel scarce to absent, low bulk density (frequently less than 0,9 g/cm3), slightly acid pH at the top, neutral in depth, high content in organic matter (8-10 % in superficial horizons, 3-4 % in depth horizons), very high CEC, very low TSB, high permeability, well drained

[2]very deep soils, fine loamy texture or coarse loamy texture at the top, and coarse loamy texture to fine loamy texture in depth, gravel scarce to absent sometimes frequently, mollic epipedon, moderately organic matter (about 1.5%), medium CEC, high TSB, slightly alkaline pH, moderately high permeability, well drained

[3]deep soils to very deep soils, coarse loamy texture at the top, gravel scarce to absent, alkaline pH in depth, medium to high CEC, high TSB, high permeability, excessively drained

Dystri-Andic Cambisols


[2]Luvic Phaeozems


[3Eutric Cambisols

6.4 undulated low hillslopes surfaces, mountainslopes with very variable slope sandstones and marls woodlands, meadows, arable land on moderately steep footslopes [1]very deep soils, coarse loamy texture to fine loamy texture, gravel scarce to absent, non calcareous, neutral pH or slightly alkaline pH, high TSB, well drained, moderately low permeability

[2]similar to previous soils, very deep soils, fine loamy texture at the top and coarse loamy texture in depth, non calcareous, slightly alkaline pH, alkaline pH in depth, high TSB, low CEC, moderately well drained, moderately high permeability

[1]Eutric Cambisols


[2Eutric Cambisols

6.3 complex mountainslopes, steep to moderately steep quarzt-arenite with thin clayey layer Woodlands, meadows and uncommon arable lands [1]moderately deep soils, limited by massive horizon, coarse loamy texture to fine loamy texture, gravel scarce to frequent, non calcareous, neutral pH, sometimes slightly alkaline pH in depth, high TSB, sometimes medium at top, well drained, high to moderately high permeability

[1]Eutric Cambisols

7.3 undulated hillslopes clayey slate and marls (varicolored clays complex) common arable lands, meadows and woodlands are present at high altitude

[1]very deep soils, mollic epipedon, moderately high organic matter content sometimes high content, argillic horizon well developed, fine texture, gravel scarce to absent, moderate vertic properties, very weakly calcareous, neutral pH at top to alkaline pH in depth, low permeability, well drained

[2]very deep soils, fine texture, frequent gravel, very weakly calcareous to moderately calcareous, alkaline pH, poorly drained, low permeability

[1]Luvi-Vertic Phaeozems


[2]Calcaric Regosols