Table of Contents

  1. Responsible IP partner
  2. General information
    1. Site selection
    2. Local partners
    3. Photographs of study site
  3. Bio-physical description
    1. Physiographic setting of the plots
    2. Geological information
    3. Annual rainfall and seasonality
    4. Main land uses
    5. Crops and cropping
    6. Natural vegetation
    7. Grazing
  4. Land use management and degradation processes
  5. Socio-economic description
    1. Population density and structure
    2. Level of education
    3. Level and sources of income
    4. Impacts of land degradation on the livelihood of people
    5. Major challenges of existing land resource management
    6. Major drivers of main land degradation processes
  6. Institutional and political setting
  7. Relevant end-users / stakeholder groups (at all levels)
  8. Past and on-going projects
  9. References
  10. Annex: Soil characteristics of the Rendina Basin