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Level of education

For the whole Basilicata Region, 97% has a secondary school degree, and the overall participation at high schools is 90% (people aged 14-15 at the end of secondary school). In 2007 14% of people with age between 18-24 had a secondary school degree only. 34% of the population above 19 years has a High school degree. Emigration has been an important socio-economic phenomenon and problem during the XX century. Now there is a diffuse emigration mainly towards Northern and Central Italy and mostly among the 25-35 year old part of the population, with high education level and university degrees. That indicates the absence of local employment opportunities. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the Basilicata Region depends only for 4.4% on agriculture, 15% on industry and further on the tertiary sector (commerce, construction, services, tourism). It is to be noticed that tourism is low compared to other regions of Italy. The average annual income per person was €17.781, which is about 2/3 of the average Italian income.