Physiographic setting of the plots
The main physiographic units in the basin are:
- complex mountain slopes, slightly to moderately steep
- ancient terraced alluvial cone, slightly steep
- mountain slopes, moderately to slightly steep
- ancient Pleistocene conglomerate deposits characterized by with flat summit surfaces and cliffs
- alluvial floodplains of the Ofanto river and Venosa torrent, almost flat
- fluvio-lacustrine terraces with strong incision by the Venosa torrent, numerous flat surfaces (fluvio-lacustrine flats)
- complex mountainslopes, steep to moderately steep
- undulating hillslopes
Figure 8: Soil map 1:250.000. Contains basic soil information as: type, texture, depth, fertility, map unit (indicated here as numerical code (6-7-9-11-14) (Source: E. A. C. Costantini, F. Urbano, G. L'Abate. SOIL REGIONS OF ITALY Podis Basilicata
Figure 9: Soil map of Rendina Basin (Classification WRB'98) (Source: E. A. C. Costantini, F. Urbano, G. L'Abate. SOIL REGIONS OF ITALY Podis Basilicata