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Site selection

The site was selected for the following reasons.

  • From the ecological and socio-economic point view it is considered representative of the region of south east Tunisia where desertification is a major concern.
  • Since 1995, many integrated research projects for development cooperation (funded by the EU, CSFD, USDA, Flanders, etc.) have been undertaken in the same region such as: WAHIA (water harvesting impact assessment), MEDRATE (Evaluation of rainfed agriculture in the Mediterranean), GISTUN (GIS for watershed management), Jeffara, SUMAMAD (Sustainable management of marginal drylands).
  • Major development projects have been carried out: soil and water conservation strategy, water resources mobilization strategy, natural resources management and livelihood improvement (World Bank); rural development programs; basic infrastructures (water, electricity, roads, etc).
  • IRA contributed actively in 2006 in the elaboration of the local action plan for combating desertification as part of the NAP-UNCCD in the county of Béni Khédache.