Location description
Coordinates: 300 23' 19" E 390 54' 15" N
Situation: We have a relatively large (25 decare = 2.5 ha) field that was presented by one of our farmer stakeholder to serve application fields in the DESIRE project. It is elongated parallel to slope. We are planning to divide the application field into three parts, to test the effectiveness of Fanya juu terraces, Caragana Korschinskii planting and normal ploughing. A nearby smaller field with similar physiography will be choosen for control field.
Physiographic setting: the field is situated in a south-facing relatively steep (15-20 %) slope which is separated by some dry valleys. Downstream, similar fields are extending while upstream a road is cutting through all fields perpendicular to slope to form a natural terrace (see photo below). Rill activity in the selected field in vicinity is salient although deep ploughing partially masks it.
A view from the SIP field. Note slope-parallel tillage and apparent stoniness.