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Technologies implemented

The technologies to be implemented in the Ribeira Seca Study site according to the results of the second stakeholder's workshop are:

Technology 1: Vegetative barriers with three species (Leucaena leucocephala, Cajanus cajan and Aloe vera).

The objectives of this technology are:

  • To protect slope reducing flow and increasing infiltration.
  • To increase land cover and the organic matter content of soil.
  • To increase the yield of fodder and to improve farmer's income.
  • To improve slope stability.

Technology 2: Afforestation, according to the climate´s reality of each zone and land users necessities.

The objectives of this technology are:

  • To strength the soil covers.
  • To improve the soil and slope fixation.
  • To reduce the effect of splash on the soil surface.
  • To facilitate the infiltration.