Location description
The Ribeira Seca catchment is located between 15º07'40''N and 15º01'55''N of Latitude, and the Longitudes 23º32''05''W and 23º38''40''W.
The Ribeira Seca basin is located between the latitudes 15º07'40'' and 15º01'55''N and the longitudes 23º32''05'' and 23º38''40''W. Administratively, it is inserted in the middle of 3 Municipalities: São Lourenço dos Órgãos (where the majority of the basin is found, around 65%), São Domingos (around 10% and particularly the southern part of the basin) and Santa Cruz (which contains around 25% of the lower part of the basin).
Ribeira Seca starts from the mountain massive of Pico de Antónia in the NW (1394m of altitude) in the central part of the island, and the mouth of the river is located in the East part, at sea level. It is the major basins of Santiago, with a drainage area of 71,5km2 and a well developed hydrographical net, 18km long. The orientation is WE and is comprehended between the sub-basins of Picos, to the North and São Domingos, to the South.