Due to the influence of microclimates in the basin, several types of soil occur. In the pedological characterization of the agro-ecological units, Dinis and Matos (1986) in "Os Solos da Ilha de Santiago" general study of Faria (1970), identify, according to the climatic zones and the main geomorphological situations, the various types of soil (Table 2).
Table 2: Soil distribution in function of the climatic zones and the geomorphology according to the english classification, Soil Survey, U.S.A. (1975). Source: adapted from Dinis & Matos (1986).
Tables 3, 4 and 5 summarise the various characteristics of 20cm deep soil samples in three bioclimatic zones of the basin.
Table 3: Characteristics of soils in a sub-humid zone
Table 4: Characteristics of soils in a sub humid/semi- arid zone
Table 5: Characteristics of soils in a semi-arid / arid zone