One-off measurements
- Soil parameters at measurement points: texture and stoniness, organic matter, saturated hydraulic conductivity, porosity, depth. Ksat, porosity and bulk density are measured after each rainfall simulation.
- Rainfall simulations are being performed in the entire catchment to cover the existing variability. They will be repeated in some of the land uses, to monitor all men interventions on the terrain, and to cover all the climatic and management practices variability. In addition, rainfall simulations are used to obtain the maximum of detail on the various management practices and especially on soil and water conservation techniques, such as terraces, half moons, check dams, vegetation stripes, contour ploughing, etc.
- Semi-quantitative assessment of soil and water conservation techniques efficiency, by performing transects to assess soil surface status and erosion and accumulation features. This also includes measurements of soil mechanical properties such as soil resistance to penetration and to torsion (shear strength].
- Performing infiltration capacity measurements with a minidisk infiltrometer.