Past and on-going projects
Past projects
- The Ribeira Seca basin has been for several years a study area for various programs and projects in the fight against degradation of the land and water. Some of those projects are:
- PRODAP-FIDA/INIDA/CIRAD-CA. 1993-1997. Project target: Evaluate the influence of two conservation techniques (mulching and hedging with bushes and grass)
- WARD "Watershed and applied research Development". 1993-1997. Project target: Soil and Water conservation practices.
- ROSELT "Réseau d'observatoires de Surveillance Écologique a Long Terme. 1994-2005. Target : Environmental monitoring
- PDH-INGRH " Hydric Development Plan - 2001-2004.Target: Water Conservation and Use
- GDRN "Gestion Durable des Ressources Naturelles. 2004-2006. Target: Quantification of Erosion at the Hydrographic Basin Scale (rivers of: Longueira, Godim and Grande)
On-going projects
- DESIRE - Mitigation of Desertification effects and remediation of degraded land (2007-2011)
- ROSELT "Réseau d'observatoires de Surveillance Écologique a Long Terme. 2008-2011. Target : Environmental monitoring