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Table 9: Technologies selected during WS1, for the WOCAT documentation and during WS2

Applied / potential Selection WS1 Documented with QT Selection WS2
Bold italics
= final decision
applied Assisted cork oak plantation Régénération assisté de chêne liège --
applied Rotational fodder cultivation Rotation culturale : cereals / légumineuses fourragères (lupin) Rotational system with strips of fodder
applied Rotation of annual cultivations Rotation culturale cereals / légumineuses alimentaires Rotation of annual cultivations (+ option with beans)
applied Fruit tree plantation along the contour separated by strips of crops Plantations d'olivier avec cultures intercalaires Strips of olive trees
applied -- The traditional cereal system
Olive trees with devices for runoff collection
potential -- Vegetative strips
potential -- Treatment of gullies
Additionally mulch/minimum tillage for implementation in WB4!