Home Eskişehir, Turkey Media publicity

Media publicity Print

Newspaper, magazine and web articles about the DESIRE project.


»Local newspaper article
11 April 2007

»Local newspaper article
11 April 2007

»Local newspaper article
11 April 2007

»Local newspaper article
11 April 2007

 »Local newspaper article
11 April 2007
 »Article in Yesilpinar,
local newspaper
17 Aug 2007
»Article in Yesilpinar, local newspaper
8 Aug 2007
 »Article in Bolge Vizyon,
local magazine
July 2007

»Article on Eskisehir Sakarya, website
July 2007

»Article on Midas website
July 2007

»Article in Ekspres,
local newspaper
Sept 2007

»Article in Belde, local magazine
25 Sept 2007

»Article in
Eskisehir Hurriyet,
local newspaper
2 Oct 2007

»Article in Iki Eylul, magazine
4 Feb 2008

»Article in Iki Eylul, magazine
31 Jan 2008

»Article in Jurnalturk magazine
1 Jan 2008

»Article in Jeni Konya, newspaper
2 Oct 2007

»Article in Anadolu Manset, newspaper
2 Oct 2007

»Article in Memleket, magazine
28 Dec 2007

»Article in Yeni Meram, magazine
3 Jan 2008

»Article in Merhaba,  magazine
28 Dec 2007

»Article on Sakarya, website
1 Jan 2008

»Article on Sakarya, website
2 Feb 2008

»Article on Sakarya, website
28 Jan 2008



»Article on Sakarya, website
31 Jan 2008

»Article on Yesilpinar, website
3 Oct 2007




Television interview on 'Gokkusagi' program with Faruk Faruk Ocakoglu and Mutlu Gurler in the field, interview with local farmers.  

Part I Part II


Turkish TV broadcast with Prof. Faruk Ocakoglu, Prof. Mehmet Zengin and Prof. Fatime Güneş of the Eskişehir Osmangazi University being interviewed about DESIRE.

Part I Part II




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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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