Home Crete, Greece

Crete, Greece

The four phase methodology that links the »Research themes was followed in Crete, producing results that are specific to this study site. 


Phase A: Establish contexts & goals   Socio-cultural, economic and environmental context  »Study site location & description
Stakeholders, goals and drivers of change  »Stakeholders and their sustainability goals
»Drivers, policies and laws
»Gender related issues
Status of land degradation, sustainable land management and risk  »Land degradation and conservation maps
»Evaluating the desertification risk assessment tool with local experimental results
Phase B: Identify, evaluate and select SLM options   Identification, documentation and evaluation of sustainable land management options  »Identifying strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 1
»Evaluating strategies: technologies and approaches documented
Prioritize and select remediation options with stakeholders

»Selecting strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 2




Phase C: Trial SLM options and model regional effects  Trial SLM technologies in field experiments, including scientific and stakeholder monitoring »Field experiments
»Minimum tillage: field experimental results and conclusions
»Rangeland resting: field experimental results and conclusions
Biophysical and economic effects at field and regional scale »Simulated biophysical impact of remediation strategies and their financial viability
Phase D: Conclusions and key messages for extension & policy  Evaluation of remediation options and preparation of recommendations

»Evaluation of remediation recommendations: Stakeholder Workshop 3

Strategy for disseminating recommendations for extension and national policy »Highlight conclusions
»Dissemination strategy
»Scientific publications
»Press publicity



# Article Title
1 Contact the Crete study site team
2 Study site location & description
3 Stakeholders and their sustainability goals
4 Drivers, policies and laws
5 Gender-related issues
6 Land degradation and conservation maps
7 Evaluating the desertification risk assessment tool with local experimental results
8 Identifying strategies: Stakeholder workshop 1
9 Evaluating strategies: technologies and approaches documented
10 Selecting strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 2
11 Field experiments
12 Minimum tillage: experimental results and conclusions
13 Rangeland fencing: experimental results and conclusions
14 Simulated biophysical impact of remediation strategies and their financial viability
15 Evaluation of remediation recommendations: Stakeholder Workshop 3
16 Highlight conclusions
17 Dissemination strategy
18 Scientific publications
19 Press publicity


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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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