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Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering (NRDAE)
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Institute profile:
AUA is the third oldest University in Greece and the first devoted to Agriculture. The Department of NRDAE (one of the 7 departments of the AUA) has three sectors. The participating Sectors of: Water Resources Management and of Soils and Agricultural Chemistry have an over 50 years experience in successful international research including: water resources management, soil physics, surface and groundwater hydrology, water treatment and reuse, erosion, desertification, flood and drought management, natural resources management, policy analysis, field investigations of soil erosion parameters and impacts on land productivity, land evaluation and sustainable development, etc. Project team members have participated in the compilation of the «Greek National Action Plan for Combating Desertification» and in several major projects such as CORINE, WASTES, MEDALUS I, II, III, PESERA, DESERTLINKS, ARID, WSM, etc. AUA is coordinator of Research Theme 2 of the DESIRE project.
Agricultural University of Athens Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece Fax. +30210-5294081
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Involved personnel
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Contact details
Key qualifications
Prof. Christos A. Karavitis
Tel: +30210 529 4073 E-mail:
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Agric. & Civil Eng. Areas of specialization include Integrated Water Resources Management, Decision Support Systems in Natural Resources, Droughts, Flood and Risk Management, Indicators Methodology etc. He has participated as research leader in many research projects both in Europe and in USA

Prof. Constantinos Kosmas
Tel: +30210 529 4097 E-mail:
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He is a specialist in land resources, desertification, applied pedology and agricultural ecosystems. He has participated as research leader or project coordinator in many international research projects. He is the President of the Greek committee for combating desertification.

Prof. Nikolaos Moustakas
Tel: +30210 529 4099 E-mail:
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Prof. in soils. His experience is focused on soil genesis and soil degradation especially in contamination by heavy metals and nitrates and desertification. He has involved in various research projects of land degradation and desertification.

Prof. Evan C. Vlachos
Tel: +1 970 491 6089 E-mail:
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Prof. of Sociology and Civil and Environmental Eng. and Assoc. Director Intern. School for Water Resources, Colorado State University, USA. He has consulted with the US Corps of Engineers, NATO, Unesco, and in a variety of countries, esp. in the Mediterranean and Middle East. His expertise is in IWRM, Droughts, Transboundary water problems, Public Participation, and Environmental Security

Aikaterine Kounalaki (M.Sc.)
Expert in Public Relations and Media Communication. She is experienced in the design and implementation of training, educational, research and consulting programs in the field of public management.
