Home Download documents Study sites Guadalentín, Spain Implementing & monitoring field trials

Implementing & monitoring field trials


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WP4.3 Guadalentin reduced tillage summary WP4.3 Guadalentin reduced tillage summary


Reduced tillage may improve the soil structure, improve infiltration and reduce runoff and erosion.

WP4.3 Guadalentín green manure summary WP4.3 Guadalentín green manure summary


Green manure will provide a better soil cover and additional nutrients when the vegetation matter is ploughed into the soil.

WP4.3 Guadalentin water harvesting summary WP4.3 Guadalentin water harvesting summary


A more efficient way of harvesting rain water might contribute to better yields while at the same time reducing surface runoff and erosion.

WP4.2 Field experiments: Guadalentin, Spain WP4.2 Field experiments: Guadalentin, Spain

Poster describing the field experiments implemented to test soil and water conservation strategies.


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