Booklets & fact sheets
A series of booklets (info-briefs) and shorter fact sheets demonstrating how DESIRE research is helping to mitigate different aspects of the problems of desertification and land degradation. The booklets are written in non-scientific language so that it will be of interest to a wide range of stakeholder audiences, from policy makers to school children.
Desire for Greener Land
This book describes the DESIRE approach and WOCAT methodology for a range of audiences, from local agricultural advisors to scientists and policymakers. Links are provided to manuals and online materials,enabling application of the various tools and methods in similar projects.
It includes an analysis of the current context of degradation and SLM in the study sites, in addition to analysis of the SLM technologies and approaches trialled in the DESIRE project. Thirty SLM technologies, eight SLM approaches, and several degradation and SLM maps from all the DESIRE study sites are compiled in a concise and well-illustrated format, following the style of this volume's forerunner where the land is greener (WOCAT 2007).
Finally, conclusions and policy points are presented for decision makers, the private sector, civil society, donors,and the research community. These are intended to support people's efforts to invest wisely in the sustainable management of land – enabling greener drylands to become a reality, not just a desire.
Factsheet 1: Science and livelihoods
When researchers talk with local stakeholders, it is a win-win strategy for science and livelihoods.
Factsheet 1_FR: La science et la vie en zones arides
Basé sur l’expérience des sites de DESIRE etablir une relation entre chercheurs et acteurs locaux, c’est une stratégie gagnant-gagnant pour la science et la vie en zones arides!
Factsheet 1_PT: Ciência e os meios de subsistência
Factsheet 2: Researchers and policy makers
Desertification research: discussions between researchers and policy makers can make all the difference.
Factsheet 2_FR: Chercheurs et décideurs politiques
Recherche sur la désertification: C’est en échangeant entre chercheurs et décideurs politiques que l’on peut faire toute la différence.
Factsheet 2_PT: Investigadores e decisores
Factsheet 3: Land users' views are essential
Land-users, your views are essential for desertification research!
Factsheet 3_FR: les points de vue des utilisateurs des terres sont essentielles
Utilisateurs des terres, votre point de vue est essentiel pour la recherche sur la désertification!
Factsheet 3_PT: Usuarios da terra
Factsheet 4: Encouraging sustainable land management
Encouraging sustainable management of fragile and degraded ecosystems - demonstrated by the results of field experiments. Based on experience in Sehoul, in the Rabat region of Morocco. Authors: Abdellah Laouina, Chakar Miloud, Nadia Machouri.
Factsheet 4_FR: Plaidoyer en faveur de la gestion durable des espaces fragiles
Plaidoyer en faveur de la gestion durable des espaces fragiles, en voie de dégradation - la démonstration par les résultats de l'expérimentation. Basé sur l'expérience tiréee de la commune Sehoul, région de Rabat. Auteurs: Abdellah Laouina, Chakar Miloud, Nadia Machouri.
Factsheet 5: Improving communication
Improving communication between researchers and the media: an example from Boteti, Botswana. Authors: Julius Atlhopheng and Raban Chanda
Factsheet 6: Forests in drylands
Let's plant more trees in drylands - DESIRE shows how forests help to avoid desertification. Factsheet prepared for Desertification Day, 17 June 2011
Info-brief 01: Tackling salinization of soils in arid and semi-arid regions
Tackling salinization of soils in arid and semi-arid regions. This info-brief is based on reports from DESIRE sites in Greece and Russia.
Info-brief 01_TR: Kurak ve yarı-kurak alanlarda tuzlanma ile mücadele
Tackling salinization of soils in arid and semi-arid regions. Based on reports from DESIRE sites in Greece and Russia. version_TR
Info-brief 02: Sustainable land management enhances our soils
Sustainable land management enhances our soils: the DESIRE project shows how this can be achieved.
Info-brief 03: Scientists and stakeholders learn to listen to one another
Knowledge exchange is the key to sustainable action. Issued July 2010.
Info-brief 04: Progress with monitoring
All the chosen strategies are implemented and monitored in field experiments. Issued July 2010.
Info-brief 05: DESIRE PhD students #1
DESIRE students are at the cutting-edge of research. DESIRE celebrates the hard work and enthusiasm of the PhD students. Issued February 2011.
Info-brief 06: DESIRE PhD students #2
More about the work of PhD students in the DESIRE project: students demonstrate research results and ideas. Issued February 2011.
Info-brief 07: Focus on Chile and Mexico
Focus on research in Chile and Mexico. Soil erosion must be halted. Issued May 2011.
Info-brief 08: Using land for the benefit of all
Researchers collaborate with local people to combat land degradation
The WOCAT methodology for the selection of possible solutions to land degradation was developed in the DESIRE research project, which is funded by the EU. The DESIRE project allowed us to test the newly developed methodology at 17 sites in 13 countries around the world. In each study area the local research teams were trained in the use of the WOCAT methodology, and then they tried out the solutions they had chosen. Their feedback to the methodology was very positive overall.
The methodology is being shared through various networks and we hope to contribute to new and successful collaboration between more researchers, advisors and land users, to increase sustainable land use.
Info-brief 08: Using land for the benefit of alll_FR
Les chercheurs collaborent avec les acteurs locaux pour combattre la dégradation des terres
La méthode de WOCAT pour la sélection de solutions possibles à la dégradation des terres a été développée au sein du projet de recherche DESIRE, financé par l‘UE. Le projet DESIRE nous a permis de tester des techniques nouvellement développées dans 17 sites repartis dans 13 pays. Dans chaque site d‘étude l‘équipe locale de chercheurs a été formée à l‘utilisation de la méthodologie WOCAT pour la sélection de solutions, puis ils ont testé ces solutions choisies. Suite à ces tests, leur retour sur la méthodologie a été globalement très positif.
La méthodologie est partagée à travers divers réseaux et nous espérons contribuer à de nouvelles et fructueuses collaborations entre chercheurs, conseillers et utilisateurs des terre, pour une utilisation durable des terres.
Info-brief 08: Using land for the benefit of all_full
Presentation giving a fuller version of Info-brief 8.
Author: Gudrun Schwilch, CDE
Info-brief 09: Harnessing communication media
Harnessing the benefits of today's communication media: lesons on sharing research messages from the DESIRE Project.
Author: Nichola Geeson. Issued January 2012.
Info-brief 10: Water solutions in drylands
Info-brief 11: Greener solutions from the DESIRE project
Info-brief 12: Stakeholder participation
Recommendations from the DESIRE project for successful stakeholder workshops. Issued March 2012
Info-brief 13: Lessons learned on science-NGO collaboration
Lessons learned from the the DESIRE project on science-NGO collaboration in research projects.

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The DESIRE project was
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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