Home 3. Potential strategies Evaluating strategies

Evaluating strategies



Each study site documented and evaluated 3 to 5 locally applied and potential strategies to combat desertification and land degradation (»Database of evaluated strategies from all study sites). Documentation with the WOCAT questionnaires on sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches follows a structured and standardised process which helps to better understand the reasons behind successful field experiences. The corresponding databases serve as a basis for knowledge exchange between stakeholders and among the study sites, and lay the foundation for the selection and negotiation process in WP 3.3.

SLM technologies are the physical practices in the field, which are

  • agronomic (e.g. intercropping, contour cultivation, mulching),
  • vegetative (e.g. tree planting, hedge barriers, grass strips),
  • structural (e.g. graded banks or bunds, level bench terrace, dams) and
  • management measures (e.g. land use change, area closure, rotational grazing)

that control land degradation and enhance productivity in the field. These measures are often combined to reinforce each other. The questionnaire addresses the specifications of the technology (purpose, classification, design and costs) and the natural and human environment where it is used. It also includes an analysis of the benefits, advantages and disadvantages, economic impacts, and acceptance and adoption of the technology. Impacts are approximated through simple scoring, but supplemented by data where available.

The associated SLM approaches are the ways and means of support that help to introduce, implement, adapt, and promote those technologies on the ground. An SLM approach involves all participants (policy-makers, administrators, experts, technicians, land users; i.e. actors at all levels), inputs and means (financial, material, legislative, etc.), and know-how (technical, scientific, practical). Questions focus on objectives, operations, participation by land users, financing, and direct and indirect subsidies. Analysis of the approach described involves monitoring and evaluation methods as well as an impact analysis.


# Article Title
1 Evaluation of strategies: guidelines
2 Database of evaluated strategies from all study sites


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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
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