Home 3. Potential strategies Selecting strategies

Selecting strategies for field testing

... in the study sites (Stakeholder Workshop 2).


The workshop methodology consists of three main elements:

  1. A participatory approach to guide and lead the workshop participants through a process of multi-criteria evaluation of different options which finally results in decision-making on strategies to be field-tested.
  2. The WOCAT database containing locally applied options as well as options from a number of other contexts.
  3. ‘Facilitator’, a Multi Objective Decision Support System (MODSS) software to support the single steps of the evaluation and decision-making process.

Target groups were the same as in the 1st workshop: local stakeholders (land users, representatives of local authorities, local NGOs) and external stakeholders (researchers, development professionals, NGOs, GOs).


Steps Objectives
Step 1: Review and adjustment of objectives
  • To recall and refresh main discussions and results from the 1st stakeholder workshop.
  • To decide on which objectives to focus on for the selection of options that will be implemented later.
Step 2: Identification of options
  • To identify with the help of the WOCAT database a range of options (technologies and approaches) that fit the selected objectives.
  • To visualize the potential options.
Step 3: Identification of relevant criteria for evaluation
  • To identify and agree on a set of 9-12 criteria (ecological, economic, and socio-cultural) per objective, relevant for the local context, along which the different options can be evaluated.
Step 4: Scoring the options
  • To assess for each option, to which extent it fulfils the different criteria identified in step 3, i.e. to assess the options by the criteria.
Step 5: Creating a hierarchy and ranking criteria
  • To organise criteria in a hierarchical order.
Step 6: Analysis and interpretation
  • To visualise the relative merits of the different options.
  • To interpret the results.
Step 7: Prioritising of options – negotiation and decision making
  • To find a final agreement on which option should be selected for test-implementation in the study site.
Step 8: Embedding into the overall strategy
  • To refine the overall strategy and to ensure that the options selected for test-implementation fits in and framework conditions are considered.
Workshop evaluation
  • To evaluate contents, methodology, and results of the workshop.


More details ... the results from each study site of Stakeholder Workshop 2

»Guadalentín, Spain

»Mação & Góis, Portugal
»Rendina, Italy
»Crete, Greece
»Nestos River Delta, Greece
»Karapinar, Turkey
»Eskisehir, Turkey
»Sehoul, Morocco

»Zeuss Koutine, Tunisia
»Dzhanibek, Russia
»Novy, Russia
»Yan River Delta, China
»Boteti, Botswana
»Cointzio, Mexico
»Secano Interior, Chile
»Ribeira Seca, Cape Verde


# Article Title
1 Stakeholder Workshop 2: Guidelines
2 Stakeholder Workshop 2: Training session
3 Decision support tool for strategy selection
4 Ready-to-implement measures for each study site
5 Stakeholder Workshop 2: Synthesis report


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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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