Home 3. Potential strategies Selecting strategies Ready-to-implement measures for each study site

Ready-to-implement measures for each study site Print

The selected measures presented here are the final result of the second stakeholder workshops. The detailed reports of these workshops and a synthesis will be provided in »Stakeholder Workshop 2: Synthesis report.

The list of measures includes the names, some specifications (if available), the type (agronomic, vegetative, structural, management or a combination thereof) and the land use type on which the measure will be applied.


Further details of implementation and monitoring can be found in the »Field experiments: design and implementation.

List of measures selected

Study site Measures
Land use
Spain, Guadalentín Basin
Reduced tillage of dryland cereals With disc-plough agronomic cropland
Green manure in ecological agriculture of almonds Seeding mixture of cereals and Vicia sativa agronomic cropland
Reduced tillage in ecological agriculture of almonds 2 tillages instead of 3-5 per year agronomic cropland
Traditional water harvesting Earthen wall to divert water from a river bed structural cropland
Organic straw mulch under almonds to prevent losses by evapotranspiration agronomic cropland
Portugal, Maçao and Góis Preventive forestry Including strategic management of fuel strips management forest land
Prescribed fire management forest land
Italy, Rendina Basin, Basilicata No specific implementation. Monitoring of whole Rendina Basin and few existing measures, such as minimum tillage and green cover.
Greece, Crete No tillage agronomic cropland

Sustainable grazing
management grazing land
Greece, Nestos Basin, Maggana Transport of freshwater from local streams Instead of saline groundwater management cropland
Turkey, Konya Karapinar Plain Caragana korschinskii planting In rows perpendicular to dominant wind direction, i.e. E-W. This technology normally embraces fencing and later rotational grazing. vegetative, management grazing land
No tillage agronomic (irrigated) cropland
Turkey, Eskisehir Plain Sloping terraces with vegetated borders structural, vegetative cropland
Caragana korschinskii planting Contour parallel planting of this or another shrub specie of similar properties vegetative, management grazing land
Morocco, Mamora / Sehoul Vegetative strips vegetative cropland
Mulching combined with crop rotation Rotation of cereals with fodder crops and legumes agronomic cropland
Gully treatment Treatment with trees / bushes and maybe structural measures, combined with (temporal) area closure vegetative, structural, management grazing land
Tunisia, Zeuss-Koutine Jessour Runoff water harvesting technique structural cropland
Gabion check dam Flood water harvesting structural cropland
Rangeland resting Enclosure management grazing land
Russia, Djanybek Drip irrigation structural, management cropland
Russia, Novyi, Saratov Drip irrigation structural, management cropland
China, Yan River Basin Level bench terrace structural cropland
Botswana, Mopipi, Boteti Area
Biogas To conserve woody vegetation management grazing land
Mexico, Cointzio Catchment
no information
Chile, Secano Interior Zero tillage Including crop rotation agronomic cropland
Cape Verde, Ribeira Seca Watershed Forestation according to the climate for each zone of the study site
Green belts on slopes Combination between Aloe vera and Cajanus cajan or Leucaena leucocephala vegetative cropland


More details ... download the full report

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