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WOCAT - World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies Print

WOCAT's vision is that land and livelihoods are improved through sharing and enhancing knowledge about sustainable land management.

WOCAT's mission is to support innovation and decision-making processes in sustainable land management, particularly in connection with soil and water conservation (SWC). This is done by:

  • connecting stakeholders,
  • analysing and synthesising experiences and setting directions,
  • enhancing capacity knowledge,
  • developing and applying standardized tools for documenting, monitoring, evaluating, sharing and using knowledge

More details ... go to the WOCAT website

 WOCAT website

All WOCAT and WOCAT related publications including articles, papers, proceedings, presentations and posters are compiled in the WOCAT documentation database

 WOCAT Documentation Database

Fully documented and evaluated sustainable land management technologies from study sites worldwide

 WOCAT Technologies Database

Fully documented and evaluated sustainable land management approaches from study sites worldwide

 WOCAT Approaches Database




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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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