Home Ribeira Seca, Cape Verde Stakeholders and their sustainability goals

Stakeholders and their sustainability goals Print

The area and people
This site is subjected to problems of movement of mass due to the strong rains and of the drought, that causes the disappearance of the rain fed crops, the soil erosion and the drying out of wells.


Added value of DESIRE for stakeholders
The time spent on the ground allows establishing a reliable relation between the researchers and the local stakeholders. This ensures that the strategy which to be tested will be really wanted by the local people.


Study site stakeholder workshops
About forty persons participated to the workshop. Were present, farmers, breeders, representatives of OCB, local elected representatives (2 representatives, technicians water and natural resources of 3 municipalities), a representative of the ministry of agriculture and one NGO (the OMCV). During the workshop, the researchers felt a big expectation of the local populations. Made mobilize these actors gives them a moral obligation as for the results of the DESIRE project.


Limitations for spontaneous implementation of soil and water conservation practices
The solutions are too expensive for these poor populations. Absence of a public policy currently, there was a strong implication of the state since 10-15 years but they didn’t maintain their buildings.


Stakeholder groups
Government/Project staff    

  • National: researchers from INIDA and Uni CV
  • Local: Municipalities and local delegation of MADRRM    
    • Municipality of São Domingos
    • Municipality of São Lourenço dos Órgãos
    • Municipality of Santa Cruz
    • Delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture of São Domingos
    • Delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture of Santa Cruz

Public administration    

  • agriculture is under the responsibility of DGASP
  • forestry is under the responsibility of DGASP
  • land is under the responsibility of DGASP
  • water is under the responsibility of INGRH
  • livestock is under the responsibility of DGASP
  • environment is under the responsibility of DGA


Research Centers and Universities

  • INIDA, Uni CV; University of Jean Piaget


NGOs / Community based organizations

  • Several Non Governmental and Community-based Organizations are engaged in the issues related to environmental management. Some of them are:


Non Governmental Organizations

Target zone


The Friends of Nature   

São Vicente Island

ADAD - Association for Environment Defense and Development     

3 Garça Vermelha (Heron Purple)   Santiago Island
4 Capverdian Women Organization - OMCV National
5 Citi Habitat   National
6 MORABI (Association of Women’s Self-promotion and Development) National
7 ACACEA    National
8 OASIS (Organization of Rural Associations of Santiago’s Island)  Santiago Island
9 Sol & Vento (Sun & Wind) National
10 Fórum Permanente para a Educação/Desenvolvimento (Permanent Forum for Education/Development)    National
11 AJOPOP (Association of Population Reporters) National
12 OAF (Organization of Rural Associations of Fogo’s Island) Fogo Island
13 CARITAS National
14 OADISA (Organization of Rural Associations of Santo Antão’s Island) Santo Antão Island
15 Bornefonden   National
16 Platform of NGOs  National

Media (journalists):

  • AJOPOP (Association of Population Reporters)
  • Rural Television and radio program – Há mar há Terra


Schools: There are several schools (EBI and High schools) in the study site    


Land users (Groups of land users organized in local Association)

  • Ago Longueira
  • Agro Orgãos
  • Agro Laje
  • Agro Montanhinha
  • Agro Orgaos Pequeno
  • Agro Amo Bom
  • Agro Banana
  • Agro Godim
  • Agro São Cristovão
  • Agro Ribeira Seca
  • Agro PRI Seca


Sustainability goals

Goal 1 Stop soil erosion, decreasing the loss of soil and runoff in the steep slopes
Goal 2 Recovery of soil fertility and increase  productivity in the long-term
Goal 3 Improvement of soil characteristics (water storage capacity, depth of top soil, organic matter content)
Goal 4 Decrease of slope gradient
Goal 5 Improvement of water and soil quality downstream -Stop the salinization
Goal 6 Improvement of water catchments, decreasing runoff
Goal 7 Improvement  of plant cover
Goal 8 Achievement of community awareness regarding the necessity for soil and water conservation
Source: expert estimate, study site leader, policy documents, field visit, research results.


More details ...
»Stakeholders & their sustainability goals - overview





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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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