Home Ribeira Seca, Cape Verde Dissemination strategy

Dissemination strategy Print
The dissemination strategy for this study site identifies a number of different target audiences to whom information and results from the project can be addressed. The contents of messages, the format in which they are delivered and their expected impact vary from one audience to another.


1. Local stakeholders (land-users)


Location Ribeira Seca watershed, Santiago Island.
Message The need to adopt SLM technologies (live barriers and fruit trees).
Product format Illustrated leaflets, local radio, oral talks, field visits, interviews, field hats, t-shirt.
Details, dates and locations of products

Stakeholders field visit: August/2011;
Stakeholders workshop: September 2011;
Illustrated leaflets of technology;
Interviews – in progress;
»Stakeholders video clips

Method of dissemination Field visits, Exhibition/ Distribution at stakeholders meetings.
Expected impact Land-users involvement in SLM decision making.
Land-users agree to adopt  DESIRE SLM technologies. 



2. Technicians and researchers


Location National (Cape Verde). 
Message The need for training and awareness on SLM, desertification processes.
Product format Posters, leaflets, factsheets, newsletter, power point presentation.

Details, dates and locations of products

Several Posters, translated factsheets, – see HIS and PL
DESIRE site with link to the “Environmental information system website – www.sia.cv: in progress
»Film for television Pigeon pea technology on Rural TV program “ Há mar há terra”(2011)
Seminar on “DESIRE project: Lessons learned from its implementation in Ribeira Seca watershed”. With participation of several groups of stakeholders: decision makers, researchers, land users, technicians, and extension people. INIDA, January 2012.

Method of dissemination Environmental information system website; presentations  at meetings; training sessions.
Expected impact Technicians and researchers  awareness regarding desertification and SLM,
Capacity building  of technicians and researchers on best SLM practices 



3. Decision makers


Location Central Services in Praia.
Message Recommendations to legislate the use of SLM in dryland.
Product format Policy briefs
Factsheets , newsletter 

Details, dates and locations of products

»Policy brief “Traditional and scientific knowledge against desertification - an experience in the Ribeira Seca watershed in Cape Verde”. October 2011.
SLM : Afforestation in DESIRE/WOCAT book  (2012)
SLM “Vegetation barriers of Aloe vera” in the TerrAfrica book (2010) 
Method of dissemination press release
Expected impact Decision makers agree to legislate use of best SLM practices in dryland, including pigeon pea technology. 






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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
This website does not necessarily
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European Commission. The European
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