Home Sehoul, Morocco Stakeholders and their sustainability goals

Stakeholders and their sustainability goals Print

The area and people
Marginal land with much degradation, and with poor inhabitants.


Study site stakeholder workshops
Farmers, local government, local centre for agricultural advice, scientists.


Stakeholder groups
Government/Project staff

  • National: The engineers and technicians responsible of the services of agriculture and forest.
  • Local: technicians of the same services.

Public administration

  • Agriculture and livestock: Provincial Direction of Agriculture “DPA”
  • Forestry : Regional Direction of Forests “DREF”
  • Water: Hydraulic basin Agency of the Bouregreg
  • Environment: no local representation.The elected municipality council
  • The local power-administration of the commune

Research Centres and Universities

  • Mohammed V University and other schools of engineers


  • NGOs are more related to cultural activities, not really involved in development

Land users

  •  Farmers with a high diversity of land use, and ownership


More details ...
»Stakeholders & their sustainability goals - overview





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