Home Sehoul, Morocco Dissemination strategy

Dissemination strategy Print
The dissemination strategy for this study site identifies a number of different target audiences to whom information and results from the project can be addressed. The contents of messages, the format in which they are delivered and their expected impact vary from one audience to another.


1. Scientific community


Location Maghreb meeting in Algeria about sediment transport in watersheds, 7-8 June 2011.
Message Relations between  applying SLM and sediment yield ; practical cases from experimentation.
Product format Presentation, paper.
Method of dissemination By hand at meeting.
Expected impact Engineers and technicians accept to discuss such techniques and recommend them to decision makers.



2. Scientific community


Location Maghreb meeting on erosion, September 2011, in Rabat 
Message Relations between  applying SLM and the rate of erosion; practical cases from experimentation.
Product format Presentation, paper.
Method of dissemination By hand at meeting.
Expected impact Engineers and technicians accept to discuss such techniques and recommend them to decision makers.



3. Local agriculture and forestry technicians, policy makers


Location Sehoul area, Morocco
Message Results of SLM evaluation and of two practices experimentation and their potential effect on land degradation.
Product format Oral discussion; leaflet; posters 
Method of dissemination By hand at meeting.
Expected impact Technicians are convinced to improve their proposals for land rehabilitation and soil protection and to vary their ways of intervention, in relation with the local human and natural conditions.



4. Farmers


Location Sehoul area, Morocco
Message Results of SLM evaluation and of two practices experimentation and their potential effect on land degradation.
Product format Oral discussion.
Method of dissemination During meetings.
Expected impact New behaviour is adopted. New techniques can progressively spray in an area, considered as conservative.





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The DESIRE project was 
co-funded by the
European Commission,
Global Change and
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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European Commission. The European
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