Home Yan River Basin, China Contact the Yan River Basin study site team

Contact the Yan River Basin study site team Print

Institute Description

Institute full name:

Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Water Resources

Institute acronym:


Institute profile:

ISWC is a national multi-disciplinary research institute in China. It was established by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1956. Its major mission is to develop knowledge and technology in soil erosion and its integrated controlling, land use and cover change and its environmental, social and economic impacts in the soil erosion region. The on-going research projects cover many themes, such as prediction of soil loss, the ways to prevent and control soil erosion, evaluation of regional natural resources and ecological environment rehabilitation. ISWC is in charge of several national or regional databases on soil and soil loss, land use, agricultural economic and soil and water conservation. It has been the research center and base of knowledge innovation on soil and water conservation of China.




Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Water Resources
26, Xinong Road, Yangling 712100
Shaanxi, China
Fax: +86 29 8701 2210

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Involved personnel


Contact details

Key qualifications


Prof. Li rui

Tel: +86 29 8701 2061
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Scientist for regional soil and water conservation using RS and GIS. He has organized several research projects on regional eco-system rehabilitation and impacts on environment.

Dr. Wang Fei

Tel: +86 29 8701 2482
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Specialist on geography and soil and water conservation with special interest in the assessment and integrated impacts of land degradation, soil erosion and soil and water conservation.

Prof. Yang Qin-ke

Tel: +86 29 8701 9577
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Land use and management specialist with special interest in the survey, evaluation of land use change with GIS and RS and land use planning.

Prof. Jiao Ju-ying

Tel: +86 29 8701 2642(H)
+86 13319223030
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Expert in impacts evaluation of soil erosion and soil-water conservation, soil loss modeling, and with special interest in vegetation restoration in soil erosion environments

Dr. Wen Zhong-ming

Tel: +86 29 8701 2482
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Expert in forestry and ecology with special interest in vegetation succession and its impact on soil erosion and land degradation.


Dr. Jiao feng

Tel: +86 29 8701 2482
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Expert in data management and application of GIS and RS for survey and mapping of land degradation and soil and water conservation.



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