The dissemination strategy for this study site identifies a number of different target audiences to whom information and results from the project can be addressed. The contents of messages, the format in which they are delivered and their expected impact vary from one audience to another. |
Location |
Province of Médenine. |
Message |
Recommendations for wider adoption of SLM technologies, desertification indicators and integrated assessment modelling tools. |
Product format |
Method of dissemination |
Email; small meetings. |
Expected impact |
Integration of DESIRE results in the development plans. |
2. National scientific community |
Location |
Tunisia |
Message |
Synthesis of DESIRE scientific results: WOCAT methodologies, desertification indicators, modelling, impact assessment. |
Product format |
»Policy brief on “Rangeland resting”; Policy brief on “Drought mitigation”; »Scientific publications |
Method of dissemination |
Workshop (oral presentations, open discussions, etc); email. |
Expected impact |
National scale dissemination of DESIRE scientific outputs. |
3. National and international audience |
Location |
Tunisia and elsewhere. |
Message |
Outreach and large scale dissemination of DESIRE outputs. |
Product format |
Web resources. Synergy with other projects studying the same site: LUPIS, DESURVEY, FAO-LADA, Programme de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles |
Method of dissemination |
IRA's data portal. |
Expected impact |
Wide scale awareness raising on desertification problems Data/results sharing. |