Land use
Main land use:
- arable lands,(60%)
- herbaceus crops,(4%)
- urban areas (2%)
- olive-groves (13%)
- vineyards(1%)
- uncultivated land, permanent meadow, shrubby natural vegetation (3%)
- woodlands dominated by chestnut tree, pasture (very steep surfaces), woodlands dominated by deciduous forest (oaks). (16%)
- others (2%)
Land Use map of Rendina Basin
Crops (and rotation): prevalent wheat crops - fallow (in rotation) - olive orchards, vineyards
Crop calendar & tillage practices: mechanical tillage September/October, sowing October/November; pesticide application March; mechanical harvest July; burning residues July-October.
Natural vegetation, main types and species composition: The higher peaks (Mount Vulture) are characterized by chestnut forest (cultivated, for wood and chestnut production), oak, fir (Picea alba) and birch forests (the last two in poor conditions) with bushes such as hazel and wild roses. In the lower parts, oaks (Quercus cerris) Pistacia, asparagus with sage and thyme and rosemary, euphorbia. Eucalyptus is also present along channels and roads, with thorny bushes of blackberries and brambles.
Stocking density of animals: in pasture - farms and/or controlled grazing in deciduous forest max 50/km2