Location description
Coordinates: UTM, WGS84, zone 33N
- upper left corner: 4543166 N , 550356 E
- lower right corner: 4523186 N , 583602 E
Situation: large watershed of 410 km2 with complex physiographic, geomorphological, geological and pedological settings.
Physiographic setting of the plots:
- complex mountain slopes slightly to moderately steep
- ancient terraced alluvial cone, slightly steep
- mountain slopes moderately to slightly steep
- ancient Pleistocene surfaces, with flat summit surfaces slightly steep conglomerated Pleistocene deposits
- alluvial floodplain of Ofanto river and Venosa torrent, almost flat
- fluvio-lacustrine terrace with high incision of the Venosa torrent, numerous flat surfaces (fluvio-lacustrine flat)
- complex mountainslopes, steep to moderately steep
- undulated hillslopes