Home Novy, Russia Selecting strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 2

Selecting strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 2 Print

Results and conclusions from Stakeholder Workshop 2 "Selection and decision on technologies/approaches to be implemented", held in Marks District, Saratov Oblast, Russia, 8-9 August 2008.

Authors: Anatoly ZEILIGUER, Vyacheslav SEMENOV, Olga ERMOLAEVA.


The workshop methodology was designed and coordinated through Research Theme 3: Potential prevention & mitigation strategies and consisted of three main elements:

  • A participatory approach to guide and lead the workshop participants through a process of multi-criteria evaluation of different options which finally results in decision-making on strategies to be field-tested.
  • The WOCAT database containing locally applied options as well as options from a number of other contexts.
  • 'Facilitator', a Multi Objective Decision Support System (MODSS) software to support the single steps of the evaluation and decision-making process.

Target groups were the same as in the 1st workshop: local stakeholders (land users, representatives of local authorities, local NGOs) and external stakeholders (researchers, development professionals, NGOs, GOs).


As a result of the workshop, the following measures were selected for testing in field experiments.


Measures Type Land use
Drip irrigation structural, management cropland


More details ... download the full report and see general results and conclusions from other study sites

WP3.3 Stakeholder Workshop 2 Novy (report)

»Selecting strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 2 methodology and summary results from all study sites




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