Home Ribeira Seca, Cape Verde Identifying strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 1

Identifying strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 1 Print

A report on the results of the first DESIRE stakeholder workshop on "Land degradation and desertification - existing and potential prevention and mitigation strategies" held at Centro de Formação Agrária (Agriculture Training Center), São Jorge, 4 to 6 March 2008

Authors: Jacques Tavares, and Amarildo dos Reis


Why work in the Ribeira Seca watershed?

  • Many studies have been elaborated in this particular watershed;
  • Many projects has been implemented on this site;
  • It contains all bio-climatic zones of Santiago (and the country
  • Better availability of data;
  • Good population number and distribution (pressure on
  • Inserted in an area of greater soil degradation, through water
    erosion ;
  • Has a great role in livestock raising and agriculture (in terms of
    rainfed and irrigated);
  • The most affected bu soil and water salinization;
  • Home of one of the largest Forest Perimeter (Monte Tchota),
    and one the greater biodiversity reserve in the country ;



Biomass cycle explanation and conclusions
Water cycle explanation and conclusions


List of stakeholders and their influence and interest in regard to sustainable land management




List of local indicators for land degradation and conservation




Evaluation made by local & external stakeholders




More details ... download the full report and poster and see results and general conclusions from other study sites

English: iconWP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Cape Verde (report) (3.14 MB)

Português: iconWP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Cape Verde (report)_PT (1.86 MB) 
 iconWP3.1 Stakeholder Workshop 1: Cape Verde (results poster) (132.31 kB) 
»Identifying strategies: Stakeholder Workshop 1 methodology and summary results from all study sites





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