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Settlement and agriculture

The study site is located within tribal land where land administration including allocation for different uses is the responsibility of the Ngwato Land Board. Tribal land in Botswana is communally owned hence its use is also communal except where individuals or groups of people have been granted exclusive rights to use a particular piece of land. In Botswana villages and settlements are classified into Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary centers (Government of Botswana, 1998). Tertiary centers are further classified into Tertiary I, II, III, and IV. Table 1 shows the threshold of the different sub categories.

Table 1: Settlement Hierarchy in Botswana

Settlement Type Population
Primary 20000 and above
Secondary 10000-19999
Tertiary I 5000-9999
Tertiary II 1000-999
Tertiary III 5000-999
Tertiary IV 250-499

The study site and all the settlements surrounding it are basically rural where basic facilities may include a school, clinic, police station, tribal administration centre (known as the Kgotla) and private business holdings. But for Mopipi itself, there has been some infrastructural developments that have seen it grow into a primary center due to its proximity to the Orapa diamond mining town.