ALSIA (Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura)
Department of services for agricultural development ,
Experimental Farm GAUDIANO,
SS.93 Km 44.5 GAUDIANO (PZ).
Local director: Dr. Loredana Lanzellotti
Tel:+39 0972.82040
Fax: +39 0972.82044
The ALSIA offices and experimental farms ( indicated as A.A.S.D)
General description of ALSIA
ALSIA (Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura) is main regional agency of Regione Basilicata for the agricultural and food processing system and responsible for extension services and completion of Agrarian Reform.
The role of the agency has been established by Regional Law n. 38/96, and integrated by other regional Law: No. 21/98, 61/00 and 29/01.
For full details see their website.
Activities of ALSIA - Department of services for agricultural development
The department acts in three lines of activities:
- Specialized Support services to farmers
Following the PAC of European Union ALSIA developed a protocol for good agricultural practices with aims to transfer to farmers, tools and knowledge for protection of natural resources and biodiversity. The full package of support services is subdivided in:
- SAL, Agremometerologiacal service
- Irriweb, on line assistance to irrigation systems (by web)
- Fertiweb, Irriweb, on line assistance to ferti- irrigation systems (by web)
- SEDI, servicece for integrated defense
- SETI, Servizi di Taratura macchine Irroratrici
- Environmental bio monitoring
- Information accounting facilities for farmers
- Extension services
Large set of extension services and "tutoring" for farmers with the help of several experimental farms for experimentation and demonstration, with a large set of demonstration activities directed to framer and farmer associations.
- Development and Improvement of Local Products
The development, improvement and marketing of local certified high value productions